The Band Members
Julia Elana Tyler Brian Austin Nina Drew

B rian is known for all-around awesomeness. He plays a wicked tuba/sousaphone, can run an 8K in about 38 minutes! And moonlights as a Spice Merchant. Due to his tenacity and academic excellence, pundits all agree that the only limit for Brian is the sky.

Brian's Head Shot Brian
Julia's Head Shot Julia

J ulia has a commanding presence in any situation that requires skillful use of a racket. She is a supportive big and little sister, and does a stunning rendition of The game of Love with her sister, Elana. She is a budding skier, and in fact, is quite the all-around athlete.

A ustin is a runner, a guitar player, a band member, and a video game aficionado. When he's not making instructional YouTube videos, or catapulting angry birds, he can be found either surfing the web (YouTube is a favorite stop) or playing with the family guinea pig.

Brian's Head Shot Austin